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Saturday, 21 November 2015

Google Plus Is Not Dead!

Google Plus Is Not Dead! 

Yes social media platform Google+ [G+] is not dead. Google has implemented lots and lot of new features in terms of look and feel, new user engagement options. It was believed that the social media platform Google plus will be terminated in the year 2015. Good news is that now you can access lots of new features in Google plus.  Here is a list of some of the new things on Google plus

  • New cover picture layout - Just like Facebook 
  • Wide time line or news feed 
  • Google plus has made it easy to search for people or any other pages on it 
  • Profile picture or display picture of a profile or a page is made very small - 50 x 50 pixels 
  • Google plus has disabled the VIEWS feature in it. 

So guys , please don't neglect Google plus when it comes to your business' social media strategy. Google plus helps you when it comes to SEO - Search engine optimization. 

Monday, 9 November 2015

Best Online Video Editing Tools - Applications - Free

Best Online Video Editing Tools - Applications - Free 
Best Online Video Editing Tools - Applications - Free

Videos is always been the best way to promote any product or to promote any ad, funny videos, entertainers etc. For the best video editing there are lot of software used by professionals video editors such as Power director, Adobe premiere etc. We will take you through some of the easiest ways to create and edit the video online. Have a look at top 05 best and free Online video editing tools. 

  • We Video 
    We Video is the free online video editor tool. You can edit or create up to 2 GB of videos for free. Best part of this tool is that you can save your movie projects directly into google drive. 
  • Weavly
    When it comes to the interface of the dashboard this tool is the best for Online video editing. This tools provides simple drag and drop video editing features for free. 
  • MixMoov 
    You can use this tool if you want to create the best slide shows [ a slide show of static images or text]. The interface of Mix Moov is similar to Windows movie maker. 
  • ShotClip 
    If you want to create a videos with CG effects such as green background etc Shotclip is the best tool. If you own a youtube channel which produces news or spoofs this is the best tool for you.

    Stay tuned for more updates.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Best Online Tools To Create GIF Files - Facebook

Best Online Tools To Create GIF Files - Facebook
How to upload animated GIF on Facebook page
 upload animated GIF on Facebook page
GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format - GIF's are commonly used for image files that has graphical content in it. GIFs can be created using image design tools such as Adobe photoshop. GIF files will be having a extension .GIF as a file name. Social media platforms such as Google+ integrated GIFs for the first time. Now popular social media platform Facebook has implemented the use of GIFs for its users.

Here are some of the top online tools using which you can create GIF files for FREE!
  • imgFlip 
  • BlogGIF 
  • Picasion
  • makeagif 
  • Loofix 
Using any of these above mentioned tools you can easily create GIF files without using any complex image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. Using the above mentioned tools you can create a self looping video or a slide show or any other animations.
Stay tuned for more updates! 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Top Facebook Pages Around The World - 2015

Top Facebook Pages Around The World - 2015
Here is the list of top Facebook page around the world with the details of Total fans and the page rating.
Source : Social Bakers

How to find top trending hash tags on Twitter ?

How to find top trending hash tags on Twitter ?

How to find top trending hash tags on Twitter ?

Hash tags are nothing but a keyword prefixed by the symbol " # ". The use of hash tags started from the most popular social media site - Twitter. Later other social media platforms such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram etc implemented the use of hash tags.

Using hash tags in your tweets will increase the reach of your tweet which results in increased engagement rate of a tweet. The most important part of using hash tags is that you should always use hash tags that are relevant to your tweet or to your business. Other wise you will be spamming your audience with irrelevant hash tags usage in your tweets.

Here are some of the top tools to find the popular trending Twitter - Hash tags 

  • Twitter dashboard : As you all know twitter itself has a top trending hash tag mechanism in its dash board. You can browse the top hash tags based on the location. 
  • Sprout Social : If you want to know the total number of tweets with a particular hash tag sprout social is the best tool. 
  • Rite Tag :  If you want to know more details such as top trending hash tag, total re-tweets, total favorites, link clicks, engagement rate etc you can opt for Rite tag tool. 
  • Hashtracking : As the name suggests this particular tool can track the usage of a Hash tag. This is the best tool to use if you own a hash tag on Twitter. You can get statistics on who exactly are using your hash tags on twitter. 
Stay tuned for more digital media updates! 

Top 05 Best Entertaining Facebook Pages In India - 2015

Top 05 Best Entertaining Facebook Pages In India - 2015

There are billions on Facebook pages in India today. We can say that the Indian celebrities has the huge amount of Fan base. Here are some of the Facebook pages which comes under entertainment category which are very much popular among Indian Facebook users.
So here are the Top 05 Best Entertaining Facebook Pages In India - 2015 

  • Rajinikanth Vs CID jokes - 6,145,066 people like this 
  • Let dis semester go i wil study seriously from next  : 1,535,214 people like this
  • The backbenchers : 1,790,637 people like this 
  • Only an Engineering Student can understand the value of study on Last Night : 1,060,762 people like this
  • Titu-mon - 8,027,780 people like this 
Stay tuned for more trends on Digital Media! 

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

How to create a Facebook business page ?

How To Create A Facebook Business Page ? 

Step 1 : Login to your Facebook profile/account . 

Step 2 : Click on this particular URL -  

Step 3 : You can see a web page [Screenshot attached below] with different options that you are supposed to select for your business. 

Available Options for business page on Facebook : 
  • Local business or place : You can select this category if you are running a business in the local place. You are supposed to add contact details, working hours, business address and other details. This is the best "Category" if you own a restaurant [or any food related business], flower retailer, stationary and want to showcase your business on Facebook.
  • Company, Organisation or institution : You can opt for this category for the Facebook business page if you own a service based company or organisation. This is the best "category" if you own a service based company such as a software company, web developed company, or a education institution such as schools, colleges etc.
  • Brand or product : You can use this particular Facebook business page category if you want to promote a specific product which is owned by you or which is developed by you or your company. Creating a Facebook product page or a Facebook brand page is very useful if you want to do brand or product based promotions on Facebook.
  • Artist, Band or public figure : As the name suggests this particular category for Facebook page is for a celebrity. If you are a national cricketer, journalist, actor/actress, director, producer, if you own a music band, musician and others.
    You can also opt for Facebook Verified Badge so that you can reach a huge number of people on Facebook. Facebook verified badge is a blue tick mark that comes next to your page name on Facebook which makes other users on Facebook to trust that the page or the actor is genuine.
    [Checkout the articles in this blog on how to create a Facebook verified badge, Facebook blue tick mark, facebook verified, how to verify a facebook profile , how to verify a facebook page, how to verify a entertainment page, how to verify a celebrity , how to verify a actor profile, how to verify a Facebook page for software company etc]
  • Entertainment : You can go for "entertainment" category to create a Facebook business page if you are into media or entertainment field. This is the best Facebook page category if you own a news channel, a news paper, a magazine, a youtube channel etc.
  • Cause or community : If you want to build a community for a like minded people on Facebook this is the best Facebook page category.

Step 4 : Select a Facebook business page category which suits your business. 

Step 5 : Provide your Business Name & select a sub category. 

Step 6 : Boom! Your business page is created now. 

Step 7 : You are supposed to add Facebook profile picture, Facebook cover picture, "About us" details for the Facebook page configuration.  

Step 8: Start seeding content in the form of posts or videos on to your Facebook Page. 

Thank you